Christian Life,  Evangelism,  Ministry,  Missions

Engaging Spiritual Conversations

Timmy Brister at Provocations & Paintings recently posted a three-part series on engaging spiritual conversations written by Gary Rohrmayer. I believe it is appropriate to first begin with a few challenging questions before outlining this series. How many conversations do you have on a weekly basis concerning things of eternal value? Are you seeking these type of conversations out? Is evangelism a dirty word in your vocabulary? Does the mere mention of the word make you nervous and uncomfortable? These are tough questions but we must be honest with ourselves in answering them if we are to rightly evaluate our hearts and lives concerning evangelism. If I’m honest with myself about this area, I would have to admit that those questions sting a little bit. Evangelism is an area that needs much growth in my life.

What is evangelism? We know the Great Commission that our Lord Jesus Christ gave to his disciples. “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:18-20) These words are oft quoted in churches. Many Christians have this verse memorized. But what does it look like to go and make disciples? If you are like me, you have tried a few different methods. There is everything from friendship evangelism to service evangelism to the dreaded door-to-door. Honestly I think sometimes all these “correct” methods can be a bit overwhelming and confusing. I also think that methods can change and there is nothing wrong with that. But are we doing it? And how do we do it?

Personally, I think conversations built through relationships is one of the best ways to share your faith with others.  Through conversation you can feel out a person’s beliefs and encourage them to consider what they believe about the world and life. Where does it begin? Where does it end? Is there more after life? Why are things so messed up in the world? In all of this you are not just throwing some verses at a person or handing him or her a track, but you can truly begin to love this person and care for his or her needs. It becomes less of a sales pitch and more about expressing love toward that person. The root of this love is Jesus Christ and so it is to be shared and made apparent not only in your conversation but how you conduct yourself as a Christian.

So how do we make these spiritual conversations more frequent in our lives? The key is being intentional. But don’t take my word for it, go read Gary’s series for yourself. I found it practically helpful. He shows us how evangelism is a part of who we are and so it can come out naturally throughout our day.  Here are four ways Gary suggests increasing spiritual conversations:

  1. Make It a Priority
  2. Pray for Opportunities
  3. Get Out and Into Your Community
  4. Establish Routines and Cultivate Relationships

So go read it then come back and share some thoughts.


  • Jimmy Kinnaird

    Dialogue is a great way to discover another person’s spiritual beliefs, but also to get them to think about the ones they hold. Thanks for your thoughts.

  • Jeff Lash

    Definitely Jimmy…and I think it is important for us to learn how to dialogue with someone. I’ve seen some combative type discussions and I think they do nothing but create frustration and even anger at times. Truth and love are a package deal. I know that most times I lean too heavily on one side of the other, but the goal is balance between the two of them. I’m still learning and growing in that area.

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