• Bible

    The Word 11.15.09

    How can we distinguish sound teachers from false prophets? It would seem obvious but Jesus says that false prophets come like wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matt. 7:15-20). Their attacks are subtle. They confuse…

  • Bible

    The Word 11.7.09

    This is a tough passage on multiple levels. Jesus draws a line in the sand in verse 30. Then he addresses the unforgivable sin in verse 31-32. He says that we will all…

  • Bible

    The Word 11.1.09

    Jesus heals a demon-possessed man which causes the people to ask whether he is the long-awaited Messiah. The Pharisees pick up on the commotion and accuse Jesus of using the power of Satan…

  • Bible

    The Word 10.18.09

    The Pharisees are looking to discredit Jesus and his ministry at every turn. Who is this obscure rabbi who preaches the coming of the kingdom of heaven, heals the sick, and raises the…